About qual-IT Software Quality Consulting

qual-IT Software Quality Consulting provides services in Software Quality Assurance and Software Development. Our services are primarily targeted to organi­zations who (plan to) contract a software supplier for develop­ment of software, and who need to have confi­dence in the reliability of the software.


Our slogan Excellence through commitment and independence refers to independence, which is something we take seriously. We refer to three types of independence:

  • Technical independence–since the work at hand is viewed by a fresh pair of eyes, our objective­ness is not affected by home blindness.
  • Financial independence–our objectiveness is not inhibited by any financial profit or loss.
  • Organizational independence–our objectiveness is not inhibited by any pressure from managers priori­tizing pushing out in­mature software to the customer.


We have the following competences:

  • 25 years experience in the software development industry, including programmer of criti­cal industrial systems, Software Quality Assurance Manager of critical software, and Quality Manager.
  • Degree of Master of Science, in the Master's programme Secure and Dependable Computer Systems.
  • Degree of Master of Science in Engineering, within the field of Software Engineering.
  • Exam and experience of software quality auditing. The exam meets the requirements for registration in the International Register of Certificated Auditors (IRCA).